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How Many Years Can a Partial Denture Last?

Posted on 1/10/2022 by Evan
How Many Years Can a Partial Denture Last?Partial dentures are ideal teeth replacement option, especially for those with a section of teeth missing. These oral appliances can last anywhere between 10 and 15 years. However, during this period, your mouth could undergo significant changes resulting in misfitting partial dentures. In such cases, you will have to replace them earlier than expected. Nonetheless, to ensure they have a longer lifespan, you can clean your dentures daily, soak them overnight in denture solution, and visit our offices for regular checks.

Cleaning Daily

Just like your natural teeth, partial dentures need regular cleaning. Before going to bed, you should remove them and clean them with warm water. You should also brush them gently using a soft-bristled toothbrush. For the best results, you should also use a non-abrasive denture cleanser. This is important because it will help remove plaque and other food particles. If such particles are not removed, you could easily develop oral conditions like tooth decay and gum disease. Such conditions can result in more tooth loss.

Soak Them Overnight

Soaking dentures overnight will help keep them moist and improve their overall condition. This will also make them retain their original shape. Therefore, it is a good idea to soak them overnight in a glass of water. Using a denture-soaking solution instead of water is even better. Avoid using acidic liquids because they could be corrosive.

Visit Our Offices for Regular Checks

Our professionals will help ensure that your partial dentures are properly fit. They will also identify any problems that you could have ignored. Furthermore, our professionals are equipped with crucial tips that will help keep your dentures in good shape. Note that the durability of partial dentures could easily be affected even by the slightest of factors. Therefore, visiting our offices for oral checks will help prolong your denture lifespan. Schedule a consultative appointment with us for more information on the durability of partial dentures.
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