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Extractions: Why, How, When And Where It's Done

Posted on 12/5/2022 by Evan
Extractions: Why, How, When And Where It's DoneExtractions of teeth involve removing them from their socket and out of the mouth. Dentists perform extraction due to various reasons including decay or broken-down teeth that are unrestorable. Dentists may also do extractions to help create space for orthodontic treatment. When you make a trip to a dental office, a dentist will explain your diagnosis as well as treatment options.

Extractions can be done the same day of consultation, however, if they involve multiple teeth or you have a complex medical history, the dentist may consider a separate appointment for the extraction.


Ideally, there are two procedures involved in tooth extractions. You may receive a simple extraction or alternatively a surgical removal of teeth. A simple extraction is often an option if a dentist can see the tooth in the mouth, meaning it has a visible part that can be wiggled out and loosened before gently pulling out the tooth.

Surgical removal becomes handy if a tooth is not visible or is found deep under the gums. Surgical tooth extractions are done on an impacted tooth or those that have disintegrated into small pieces inside the gums.

Postoperative Recovery

Once your tooth is removed, you should allow a clot to develop over the area so that bleeding stops and the healing process commences. A dentist, will thus, request you to bite on a gauze usually for about 30 minutes after the removal. You can insert another gauze if the bleeding continues and bit for another 30 minutes. When the clot finally forms, do not dislodge or disturb it because it helps with healing.

Avoid rinsing vigorously, smoking, sucking on straws, and drinking alcohol since they inhibit the healing process. Don't brush close to the area of extraction. You can place an ice pack on the cheek around the site to stop pain and swelling. Talk to our dentist if you plan to get an extraction. We will guide you through the procedure so that you get prepared and know your expectations.

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